torsdag 26. september 2013

New projects

So everything is still going good. Homesickness does take over sometimes, and you feel like absolute crap. Sometimes I can't really remember why I decided to do this, but then I remember all the wonderful experiences I have from before. Spending a year in the US, and then spending a semester in Rome. What if I would have given up on those, and missed out on lifelong friends and amazing memories. 

Anyways, that was not really what I was going to write about; As some of you might already know , it is quite common to do a language course in English, but with me already having spent a year in USA I don't really feel like I need it. Plus, it's fucking expensive!! Like 700 quids for one semester. No way!!!

So I'm looking for other stuff to do, courses in music or maybe even French or Italian. But those courses are fucking expensive too, so I bought this:

I'm so poor, that finding stuff to do that doesn't cost me that much is very essential. The book also have tips from other people who live in London about what their favorite things to do are. So my new project is to find someone to do some of these things with, and get going with it. 

So I'm here for around 330 days, and 25 of those days have already gone by. And so quickly too. HASHTAG SADFACE. 

Looking forward to telling you more about my new project. I also bought another book, that I'll show you later.

Elisabeth xx

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